South Runway

North Runway

Fly Safely and Quietly at Sisters Eagle Airport
Noise Abatement Procedures
Sisters Eagle Airport’s mission is to serve as Sisters Country’s local access point for air travel. In order to be a good neighbor, we have clearly defined recommended approach and departure patterns. Please follow these flight paths as closely and safely as possible.
- Avoid overflight of populated areas whenever feasible.
- Please refrain from doing engine run-ups on the north end of the runway between 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
Departures – All Runways
- For aircraft with variable pitch propellers, reduce power and prop RPM to climb power setting as soon as practicable.
Departures – Runway 02
- Execute an immediate left turn at the departure end, following the creek bed while avoiding overflight of homes.
- Runway 02 is the designated calm wind runway. SEA recommends (follow) a left traffic pattern for Runway 02.
- Runway 20. SEA recommends (follow) a left traffic pattern.
Departures – Runway 20
- Stay north of the City of Sisters, heading towards Highway 20/126 while avoiding overflight of downtown and residential Sisters.
Training/Touch-and-Go Operations
- SEA is not recommended as a primary training facility. Please limit training and touch-and-go traffic to safety and currency needs.
Helicopter Operations
- Follow standard air traffic patterns.